The Jingle Bell Flowers Bouquet


Available for same day delivery during the Christmas season, The Jingle Bell Bouquet will bring the holiday spirit directly to your recipient. Rich Christmas red roses are beautifully accented with red hypericum berries and seasonal greens. Hand-arranged in a red gathering vase, the bouquet is topped off with a decorative ribbon for a truly festive look.


Available for same day delivery during the Christmas season, The Jingle Bell Bouquet will bring the holiday spirit directly to your recipient. Rich Christmas red roses are beautifully accented with red hypericum berries and seasonal greens. Hand-arranged in a red gathering vase, the bouquet is topped off with a decorative ribbon for a truly festive look.

• Red Roses (Deluxe & Premium Only)
• Hypericum Berries
• Decorative Ribbon
• Red Gathering Vase
• Card Message Included