Romance Bouquet


 premium rose bouquet. It features a total of fifteen of our finest red and hot pink roses and is accented with smaller red spray roses and luxuriant greens. It’s all artfully arranged in our stunning Silver Reflections vase.

-This romantic bouquet includes large red and hot pink roses, bountiful red spray roses and greens including seeded eucalyptus and variegated pittosporum.

-This bouquet is delivered in our exclusive Silver Reflections vase, If we don’t have the silver vase we can substitute for a clean vase.

 premium rose bouquet. It features a total of fifteen of our finest red and hot pink roses and is accented with smaller red spray roses and luxuriant greens. It’s all artfully arranged in our stunning Silver Reflections vase.

-This romantic bouquet includes large red and hot pink roses, bountiful red spray roses and greens including seeded eucalyptus and variegated pittosporum.

-This bouquet is delivered in our exclusive Silver Reflections vase, If we don’t have the silver vase we can substitute for a clean vase.